Friday, June 8, 2012

Campaign 13 is giving .99 cent shipping all month!

 Yes I am old enough to have seen Leave it to Beaver and this is how they dressed.  You know it was about  this time women were finally seeking fulfillment outside of the home to make a little of their own money!

You Go Girls

Now that bug season is here don't forget the Avon Bug Repellent with Skin So Soft!  It works great - view my blog on some tips to keep the bugs off of you and your pets!
 These can be used on both animals and people!  I do not recommend using in a area that you animal can lick it.  I like to use the cream or spray on the white spots of my horse to protect against sunburn.  The aerosol is great when it is really hot - it doesn't melt and run off of her !
Of course don't forget nail art - you can see the nail art kits at Avon - but the color selection is great in this book.  You also will find them on sale - I can imagine the price reflects the grand presentation of the 45 different colors they have in their line now.

and don't forget:
  99 cent shipping for all of June

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