Wednesday, June 6, 2012

99 cent shipping for this current campaign! #13

Of course you want free shipping - I NEVER buy anything that costs me expensive shipping - nor should you.  Just follow my link on the side for a hyperlink to    my AVON site.  It works!  If you order online you receive 99 cent shipping.  If you mention that you saw my  blog - I will give a 15% discount for the month of June!


This is one of my favorite movies ever!  You can hear her sing at the following link to YouTube.!

Now she is who I have aspired to be - I can not sing a lick though!.  I bring this up as I am dedicated to alleviating the bug hating going on to us humans out at my place!  The varmints!  This is a horsefly from the front - he just looks evil - the bite is evil, the rest of it is too.

Time to get the bug sprays out and enjoy the summer.

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