Saturday, August 4, 2012

Where have I been? Horsing around..

Wow - this is crazy that I have been working 4 jobs to get the money together to get my arena and arena lights fixed!  I love the four jobs I have!  Right now I am working at two hotels, as a merchandiser, and of course AVON.

Last week I gave Lucy, my Strawberry Roan, Qtr. Horse / registered paint (isn't that a mouthful!), a bath.  Boy did I use the SSS oil spray on us both!  I especially love to put it around her ears and on her blaze.  The second best part is the fact that we both smelled so wonderful!  The first is that the bugs left us alone!

So this is how I keep wasps from making nests around my house!  I was so amazed to see them leave in 24 hours after I hung it up, and they had all ready started a nest!

As a college student - my favorite things were the moon and stars.  I just found this in the campaign 18 booklet, page 95.  Mine - I have all ready ordered one for me!  You can not beat the price of 50% off so it is only $7.99.

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