Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Incredible Nail Art and not so Incredible! Still like the Avon art the best

Here is the best website I found on the subject of Nail Art.  Personally I like the Steam punk /Goth style in the black with studs!


Now I am pretty conservative with my nails, but here are a few I like and do not like.  I wonder if you can tell which?

 Feet are such funny things - all of them are so very different don't you think?

 Simple is good as above.  Something is seriously wrong with the nails on the left.
 Have to say this Avon stock photo is a favorite of mine.  I like the simple two tone affect.

Nice for a special occasion.
 I love coral, the sea, and sand - but?
 Who isn't a Hello Kitty fan?

These are definitely something to take a second look at.

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